Submissions invited for the 2023 ASSF anthology!

We’re seeking short story submissions for the 2023 ASSF anthology!

As part of the 2023 Australian Short Story Festival, we are launching an anthology of short stories that embodies the festival’s purpose: a celebration of the creative possibilities of short fiction in Australia. As such, we are currently seeking submissions from both established and emerging writers to be published in the anthology and launched at the festival in Adelaide, South Australia in November 2023.

What we’re looking for:

We are seeking previously unpublished stories that write to the theme of ‘strange.’ We’re talking about the stories in your repertoire that are hard to sum up, or that can’t be easily labelled by genre or tropes. Maybe the strangeness is in the content or the characters, or maybe it’s in the way you tell it—either way, we’d love to see it! Broad interpretations of the theme are not only welcome but encouraged. Above all, we want stories that are fresh, contemporary, and highly unique.

All selected contributors will be paid for their work.

Deadline: 5pm, December 16th, 2022

For more details and to submit, enter here.


2 Thoughts to “Submissions invited for the 2023 ASSF anthology!”

  1. Paulette Gittins

    In relation to the 2023 Short Story Festival, my queries are:
    1.Do I have to be a resident of South Australia in order to be eligible for entry?
    With regard to the following 2 points of the criteria for short story entry:
    1.Submissions limited to one per person .
    2.Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us ( if your story has been accepted elsewhere, or is the recipient of any prizes. -I’m afraid I don’t understand. Does this mean I can send only one story or more than one?
    I am interested in entering this competition, but really need to know the answers to these queries.
    Best wishes,
    Paulette Gittins

    1. Australian Short Story Festival

      Hi Paulette

      Thanks for your comment! To answer your questions:

      1. No, you don’t need to reside in SA in order to be eligible to submit to the anthology.

      2. You can only submit one story for consideration and it needs to be unpublished. However, you can have this same story submitted elsewhere (e.g. another anthology, journal, competition, etc), but you need to inform if it wins a prize/publication, as this will make it ineligible for publication in the ASSF anthology.

      Good luck!

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